Survivor Benefit Plan Insights
Book your 30 minute free career progression mentoring session now!
Service Description
This 30 minute mentoring session is free and designed to be scheduled no earlier than one week prior to execution. This advance scheduling is to allow for individuals to provide advance insight into topics of interest via our online registration form in order to facilitate BWA consultants ample time to prepare for the online mentoring discussion.
Scott Tucker, author of "Don't Forget Your War Chest" has been a trusted advocate in the Blue Water Family for over 3 years now! This session is ideal for discussions surrounding your departure from active duty and how to successfully navigate your income needs as well as programs such as SBP (Survivor Benefit Plan), TSP (Thrift Savings Plan), etc... Scott Tucker is a veteran who provides refreshing, out of the box discussions on these legacy and institutionalized programs. His expertise in these areas is truly insightful as is his dedication to our membership. BWA is pleased to offer Scott and his expertise as a highly qualified partner offering this insight and service. You can order your copy of the book here:
Don't Forget Your War Chest​
Contact Details